Ethereum: Printing Response from Binance Order

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Printing the response from a binning command

In this article, we will deepen the way of printing the response from a order on the binance platform using the customer.order_limit_buy (). This is useful for troubleshooting and troubleshooting.

preliminary conditions

  • Make sure you have an Ethereum node that works with a library of compatible customers (eg, Ethers.js or Web3.JS).

  • Make sure you have installed the necessary libraries through NPM or threads:


NPM Install Eterus



The thread adds ethers

Printing response from a command

In order to print the answer from a order, we must first create a new order and then take over our answer. Here is an example of implementation:


const web3 = requires (‘web3’);

Const Ethers = requires (‘ethers’);

// replace with the credentials of the Ethereum node (for example, « 

Const Etnodeurl = ‘

// create a new web3 instance3

Const web3 = New Web3 (New Ethers.Providers.JsonrpCProvider (Ethnodeurl));

// set here the credentials of the Ethereum node (replace -you with your real credentials)

Const Nodeurl = process.env.ethern_node_url || ‘

// Define command parameters

Consty symbol = ‘adabus’;

Const buyquantity = 100; // adjust this amount according to your needs.

Price Const = 20000; // replace with a valid Ethereum price

// create an instance of the customer

CON CUSTOM = New Ethers.Contract (0x … your contract address … ‘, Ethers contractFactory);

// place your order

command = wait for client.orderlimitbuy (




« ACK »


// recover the response from order

consist response = wait for client.orderresponse (order);

console.log (answer);


In this example, we create a newWeb3 ‘instance using the credentials of the Ethereum node. Then we define the command parameters (symbol, quantity and price). Finally, we place the command using the commandlimitBuy () `and we recover its answer using theCommander ()method.

Printing the answer

The answer in the order is an object that contains various properties such as:

  • Status: the status of the order (for example, » waiting « , » completed « or » canceled « ).

  • msg: a message that describes the result of the operation.

  • Result: the result of the operation (for example, the quantity completed).

To print this answer, you can use the following code:


if (answer.status === ‘filled’) {

console.log (command $ {} was successfully completed for $ {buyquantity} adabus to $ {price} .);


otherwise if (answer.status === ‘canceled’) {

console.log (command $ {} has been canceled.);


something else {

console.log (error: $ {answer.msg});


This will print the response from order to console, allowing you to troubleshoot and troubleshoot your Ethereum transactions.

Don't forget to replace… your contract address …` with the real address of the Ethereum contract that generated the order.


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